After Backup, Slot do not print the Passwort out

Hi all, I have been trying all day to backup my second onlykey after the new firmware update. I have two onlykeys. One is red, the other is white.
The white one is my backupkey. I tried the new firmware updates.
After the update I can see the label on the slots. But when I press a key on the onlykey to enter the password. It does not work. The light stays on. He put no Password out.
The red onlykey of me. I do not updating yet. I made the restore from backup, from the red onlykey.

→ I set Passphare and PIN

You can help?

So your first onlykey (the red one) has passwords save on it?

Can you try to make another backup to verify that your backup didn’t get corrupted and then restore this new backup to your second onlykey

Yes the red One have all passwords save!

With the withe one i will do a Backup.

Thank you for help. Yes i try thies in the Morning again.
I look after the same Language, to take the passphare.

can it be that is about the diffrent Firmware?