Sometimes OnlyKey Refuses to Type, Requires Reboot

OnlyKey fails to initiate typing consistently. Rebooting Windows 10 allows it to work for a while. 10-15-20-30 minutes later, it will refuse to type again. The timing isn’t consistent. I assume the info I’ve collected here means something is happening some time after a boot occurs that interferes with OnlyKey’s ability to type.

Notes About The Problem

  • OnlyKey green LED will momentarily turn off after touching a “button” to indicate it is typing. This is working as it should. It just doesn’t actually type anything. (Again, given enough time has passed post-boot.)
  • I closed every application I could - particularly Razer and Logitech software. Nothing re-enabled typing after being closed.
  • Configured typing speed doesn’t appear to matter. I have it set to a very deliberate 4. When it does work, this speed is clearly slow enough to not indicate suspicion.
  • It only happens on this computer.

Notes About The Solution

  • Fast boot is disabled.
  • I have the Sysinternals Suite.
  • I’m using Notepad++ to test.
  • I have not tried booting in safe mode yet; I don’t know how to use that information to my advantage.
  • I know where the buttons are in Event Viewer and Process Explorer, but I don’t know how to use them effectively to identify the culprit.
  • I don’t know how to “catch” exactly when it occurs, though I assume Event Viewer or perhaps Process Explorer would help me do so if I knew how to use them properly.
  • This issue doesn’t appear in any relevant sources online, e.g., reddit, this discourse group, the docs, etc.
  • I can’t post this on reddit because the sub requires approval before posting. I haven’t been approved yet.
  • A full wipe doesn’t appear to effect the issue in any way.
  • The behavior of the LED doesn’t appear to change when the problem is demonstrated.
  • Removing peripherals doesn’t appear to effect anything.

Final Info

  • Windows 10 Pro 64bit (22H2) (build 19045.5247)
  • Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0
  • App v5.3.6
  • OnlyKey v3.0.4-prodc
  • Keyboard Layout US_ENGLISH
  • A lock button is not set


I thought I’ll contribute some ideas as this is sometimes an inactive forum.

OnlyKey works with Windows via the HID interface. It seems to log few (if any) events. If I were in your shoes, I would try some of these:

  1. First, configure the device connected / device disconnected (in the Sound setting) to make them obvious. I have some other USB devices that are flaky, and the distinct sounds are really helpful.
  2. When experiencing the problem, does the key somehow becomes “disconneced” but still has power?
  3. When experiencing the problem, pull the key and plug it back in. This reboots the OnlyKey. Does it solve the problem?
  4. Use different USB port. Does the problem remain?
  5. Run “sfc /scannow” to see if Windows’ components were corrupted?
  6. If you plug another keyboard in, does the keyboard suffer the same fate (not being to type correctly) after some time?
  7. Onlykey also shows up under Device manager’s “Keyboards”; when the problem occurs, does anything unusual show up on the panel?
  8. Does the OnlyKey experience the same problem on other machines?