OnlyKey fails to initiate typing consistently. Rebooting Windows 10 allows it to work for a while. 10-15-20-30 minutes later, it will refuse to type again. The timing isn’t consistent. I assume the info I’ve collected here means something is happening some time after a boot occurs that interferes with OnlyKey’s ability to type.
Notes About The Problem
- OnlyKey green LED will momentarily turn off after touching a “button” to indicate it is typing. This is working as it should. It just doesn’t actually type anything. (Again, given enough time has passed post-boot.)
- I closed every application I could - particularly Razer and Logitech software. Nothing re-enabled typing after being closed.
- Configured typing speed doesn’t appear to matter. I have it set to a very deliberate 4. When it does work, this speed is clearly slow enough to not indicate suspicion.
- It only happens on this computer.
Notes About The Solution
- Fast boot is disabled.
- I have the Sysinternals Suite.
- I’m using Notepad++ to test.
- I have not tried booting in safe mode yet; I don’t know how to use that information to my advantage.
- I know where the buttons are in Event Viewer and Process Explorer, but I don’t know how to use them effectively to identify the culprit.
- I don’t know how to “catch” exactly when it occurs, though I assume Event Viewer or perhaps Process Explorer would help me do so if I knew how to use them properly.
- This issue doesn’t appear in any relevant sources online, e.g., reddit, this discourse group, the docs, etc.
- I can’t post this on reddit because the sub requires approval before posting. I haven’t been approved yet.
- A full wipe doesn’t appear to effect the issue in any way.
- The behavior of the LED doesn’t appear to change when the problem is demonstrated.
- Removing peripherals doesn’t appear to effect anything.
Final Info
- Windows 10 Pro 64bit (22H2) (build 19045.5247)
- Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0
- App v5.3.6
- OnlyKey v3.0.4-prodc
- Keyboard Layout US_ENGLISH
- A lock button is not set