OnlyKey outputting incorrect passwords

This morning I tried to login and onlykey has “lost” all my passwords. It may be something to do with the operating system. I’m running Ubuntu 22.04 and haven’t changed anything on OnlyKey.

Correct Password

OnlyKey’s version

Playing with capslock and pressing onlykey gives:

Capslock being on, on my real keyboard shouldn’t be affecting the output from onlykey but it always has.

Have you tried on a different computer it may be the keyboard layout set on either the computer or the OnlyKey. Here is the supported keyboard layouts OnlyKey has, you would change this in the OnlyKey app to match that of computer - OnlyKey User's Guide | Docs

Thanks for confirming. I thought it may be an issue with the “other” keyboard in Ubuntu. I fired up RISC-OS and the OnlyKey is fine. On the Ubuntu side I’ve switched to US keyboard and back to UK and switched OnlyKey to US keyboard and back to UK every variation produces the wrong password. I think that if the OnlyKey is trying to be a keyboard it should be exactly that and not depend on the other keyboard or the other keyboards settings for it to output the correct password. I mean accidentally having capslock on the real keyboard affecting the output from OnlyKey is utter silliness don’t you agree? And, of course that design decision has lead to scenarios, well exactly like this one. I’m faced now with a device I can’t use to enter passwords. It’s a good job I have a backup of my passwords which OnlyKey as sold is supposed to be a secure solution to house passwords but that idea doesn’t really work if it decides to enter passwords incorrectly due to a dependency on other keyboards and/or what drives them.

OnlyKey is just like any other USB keyboard. This is the way keyboards work, if you plug two keyboards in and press caps lock on one you will notice that caps lock is also turned on for the second keyboard.

OnlyKey and all keyboards send keycodes when you press a key and the system based on what keyboard layout is enabled interprets that keycode differently. For example if you plug a UK keyboard into your computer but have a US keyboard layout set on your system and you start typing you will notice that some of the characters are incorrect. The keyboard layout on the system must match that of the keyboard.

Both OnlyKey is set to UK and Ubuntu is set to UK keyboard. There’s some mismatch probably with my OS but I find it difficult to believe that any mismatch would translate a ^ to a 6 (which keyboard would do that?) or a lower case e to an upper case E.

Correct Password

capslock off (Here you can see that all characters are converted to lower case)

capslock on (Here you can see that all characters are converted to upper case)

How odd. I’m sure that I was using that password in my OnlyKey for several years and pressing button 1 to type in a camel case password with the capslock off on my keyboard which did work because case was preserved.

I think that when things are working correctly a capslock off should leave an example password as follows: PaSSword. When the capslock is on it should invert the password as follows: pAssWORD. That’s how things should behave in order for it to be possible to have mixed case passwords whose characters aren’t all affected by the state of the caps lock. Otherwise, you would never be able to enter your password correctly via OnlyKey because the capslock state on the real keyboard would just switch all letters regardless of case, to either upper or lower case.

When I realized this I stopped trying to work out what keyboard would turn characters from 6 to ^ and stopped thinking that maybe I had a strange keyboard country setup in the past. For me this was a red herring but for others it may not be, because after I’d fixed the issue I switched my keyboard to US and I did have issues with the passwords. BTW the OnlyKey Keyboard Layout is always set to US_English (default) on mine and I can’t change it to UK. If I try and reopen the OnlyKey App it reverts to US_English. So the keyboard settings of OnlyKey and of the actual keyboard can never match on my machine. Think about that one some more…

The fix was to change my GPU driver from Using X.Org X Server - Nouveau display driver from xserver-xorg-video-noveau (open source) to Using NVIDIA driver metapackage from nvidia-driver-535 (properietary, tested) which must have gotten changed recently. To prove it I switched backwards and forwards between these two drivers at least twice and rebooted and OnlyKey only worked with the NVIDIA driver.

Thanks for your help,

The app dropdown just shows US_English as that is the first item in the list. This is not what you have set on your OnlyKey (its not reverting to US_English).