OnlyKey duo keyhole pulled out

I bought and received a duo a couple of days ago. I initially noticed how hard it was to insert and remove it from the USB ports - not just one. I think it is a bit too wide vs. thick. This morning when removing it from the USB port, the bridge on the back of it where the little carabiner goes through broke. I actually had to get needle nose pliers to remove it. It still works, but it’s now even harder to remove. My questions are whether it’s supposed to be very tight in the USB port, and have others experienced this where the bridge breaks just by trying to pull it out of the port? Are they typically VERY hard to insert and remove from the USB port? I thought maybe the substrate was ceramic or similar so it could withstand the force required to pull it out. Nope.

If these really are that tight, I’ll have to figure out how to keep from breaking the replacement. Maybe putting it in a “port saver” A-B adapter. It will be a little bigger. Big enough not to lose, but smaller than a thumb drive.