This is partly a help request and partly a complaint.
I have about a 30% chance of successfully entering my pin in my OnlyKey Duo. I have small fingers so it isn’t a factor of not being able to press the buttons. I have practiced on my duo while it is unlocked setting a test output so I know if I am pressing 1 or 4, 3 or 6, 2 or 5. I seem to be able to fairly reliably do it, but when I actually go to unlock it I can’t seem to put it in correctly.
It’s super annoying.
Is the OnlyKey Duo just a faulty product with a flawed design? Do I have a faulty duo? Am I doing something wrong unknowingly? The documentation for the Duo is lack luster at best so I wouldn’t be surprised.
Other than entering my pin into the Duo I have loved both my OnlyKey and Onlykey Duo as a security product.
Entering PIN for the OnlyKey DUO is intended to be done using the keyboard and the OnlyKey App. The device does allow entering PIN on the small PIN pad but this is only intended to be used in a pinch, such as traveling and there is no way to to install the App on a public computer. Additionally, the DUO permits using it without a PIN although if no PIN is assigned it can only be used for one factor (a password or MFA).
Ya, I am currently in that traveling case. I understand it being hard to enter the pin because of the form factor. I am struggling with it being inconsistent. I can’t reliably enter the pin during those critical situations where that is my only option.
Either it works reliably but is more difficult to use or it doesn’t work reliably and putting a pin on your Duo shouldn’t be a feature.
Do you have any ideas what I could be doing wrong when entering my pin that could be causing my issues?
The DUO has very small buttons so the most likely issue is that when for example touching the 1 button, the finger also brushes the 2 button. That would be registered as entering a 3 as touching both 1&2 together is a 3.
This isn’t the issue. I am 100% sure I am only touching 1 button at a time (tested by using the app log). I am thinking it is some issue with the hold delay for the secondary buttons. It seems inconsistent what the delay time is for it to switch to the secondary button.
I had a similar experience (though more like 80% success rate) with entering the PIN using the physical pad on my OnlyKey DUO; my issue was that I was impatient in holding for long enough for the higher numbers (4, 5, 6) - waiting a bit longer for these I now have ~95% success rate (the remaining ~5% is likely accidentally hitting the middle instead of left or right).
Pretty sure I saw a similar thread on here already as a feature request, but it would be great if we could use the app to configure a shorter period to be recognised as a long-press (for 4,5,6).