Onlykey App doesn't seem to recognize Duo

Just unboxed my Duo a few minutes ago and the latest Onlykey App on Mac (v5.3.4) is asking me to set a 7-10 digit pin with the 6-key keypad.

Last message received: UNINITIALIZEDv3.0.0-prodp

App v5.3.4
OnlyKey v3.0.0-prodp

You have to follow the instructions at which tells you to install app supporting DUO

Yep, confirmed: I can’t properly read directions. :man_facepalming:

I actually setup my OnlyKey Duo on the old version not supporting the OnlyKey Duo (also updated the firmware this way too), then after thought hey maybe I should update the app but only because I wondered where the on screen pin was