Change App Autostart Setting

why does onlykey autostart is there something the program needs to run for on every start? I dont have to reconfig my onlykey every start. and why cant I disable it?

there’s also no mention of onlykey anywhere in the startup folder or task manager

You can go to settings in the app to select for it not to autostart. If the app is not running then TOTP will not work.

apparently that settings thing isnt a thing anymore.

also how about autostarting into background?

But can still be switched on and off:
The Onlykey app writes the autostart command in the default OS autostart folder.
Linux $HOME/.config/autostart or
KDE system settings -> start and stop -> autostart
Onlykey app is called nw.desktop

oh that’s why I couldnt find it in task manager, apparently on windows this thing is called nwjs. might have been useful to actually give it a meaningful name rather than this weird thing.

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