Windows Hello FIDO key registration

TL;DR am I missing something obvious and being silly here?
Has anyone else successfully registered a FIDO key for Windows Hello on an OnlyKey?

I’ve read the online documentation extensively and perhaps I’m just missing a step because of expected vs actual verbage, but it seems like there are small pieces of critical information missing from the manual; particularly in the arena of registering my onlykey as a FIDO security key on Windows Hello.

Specifically, when I go into Windows settings > accounts > hello > add a security key, there is a short process in which:

  1. Windows asks me to insert my security key; so I do
  2. Onlykey, being that it is two-sided, waits for me to enter my keypad pin; so I do
  3. Windows registers that I inserted a security key
  4. Windows moves to another “challenge” screen requesting I touch my security key; so I do
  5. Windows then moves on to show me the option to change my FIDO pin, and to reset they key
    5a. If I change the PIN, that’s all that happens; it does not register the onlykey as a FIDO key
    5b. If I reset the device (which I won’t do, obvious reasons) I would suspect would behave the same
  6. It is at this point that I’ve tried:
    a. closing the window and doing it all over again, same result
    b. unplugging the onlykey and starting over, same result as before
    c. attempted a PIN change just to see, I now have a different FIDO PIN, that’s it, same as before

So it is now that I arrive here… hopefully finding someone else who has used one of these guys before. I have used a Yubikey at another organization, and it went pretty smoothly. I would assume it is because of the Onlykey’s dual-sided abilities that Windows is having troubles with it. As an IT reactive service employee, I naturally assume that it is user error because that is more often than not the case. So before jumping to conclusions about compatibility and the like, am I missing something obvious and being silly here?

Has anyone else successfully registered a FIDO key for Windows Hello on an OnlyKey? I bought it to use at a new organization for the reason of it’s awesome dual-sided nature, and password management, PGP abilities and much more than just a FIDO2 key with two slots. I paid a premium on the nature of this device because it has so much more potential than your standard Yubikey does. So far I’m not getting the basic FIDO functions to work, though it is still useful for passwords and PGP (though I’m having a bit of trouble there but that’s not OnlyKey’s fault, I just went over the top with my advanced key settings and OnlyKey didn’t like one of the options I used; once I removed it, we were good)

Had I known this key was not supported by Windows hello log in, I would never have bought it!
Very misleading and had to did to figure this out! I think I will be returning this device and going with a YubiKey that works with windows login!

Windows hello supports all FIDO2 security keys including OnlyKey. OnlyKey can be registered and used with Windows hello.