I am ready to return both of my OnlyKeys!

I bought the OnlyKey a couple of weeks ago to use with logging into my Bank Of America website.

After setting a 10-digit PIN for the key, I set up my login info in Slot a1. It successfully passed my username and password to the Bank website. I then registered my Key with the Bank using the website. Everything worked well.

Today I received my backup OnlyKey. I set it up with the same PIN as my first OnlyKey and I restored a backup from my first OnlyKey onto it. There were no errors and looks like all my slots that were populated on my first OnlyKey got copied into my second key.

I then used my new key to login to the Bank. It entered my username and password correctly but when it got to the step where I normally just had to “touch” my key to complete the login, It threw an error. I expected this because I expected I would need to register this second key with the Bank before it would work. When I went through the registration process, it always failed.

I got the Bank support on the phone and they actually logged remotely into my computer to see what could be happening. It would get to the step where I would get a series of popups that seemed to be from Windows (I am running ver. 10)… not from the website. The bank rep could not see them. The popup was prompting me to enter my Security Key PIN.

But every time I entered the PIN that I had set up for my OnlyKey, I would get an “incorrect PIN” error message from Windows. I tried so many different things that eventually I got a new popup that said if I entered the wrong PIN one more time, “the device will be locked”.

The bank rep said maybe try my windows password. Oops, wrong again and now I guess my device was locked… but I never got an error saying that. I just continued to get the same old errors. Just for fun, I tried to use my original OnlyKey to log in. I was working fine before… but now it returns the same errors as the new key.

Ok, I thought I would just UNREGISTER the key from the Bank website and try to re-register it. Nope… still stuck at the popup window requesting my security key PIN… which I have no idea what PIN it is referring to, since it will not accept the PIN I actually set up to unlock my OnlyKey.

At this point I have 2 OnlyKeys which do not work on the Bank of America website. If I can’t get this situation resolved soon, I will have to return the keys and just give up.

Is there anyone here that has experienced this before? What is the fix?

There were no errors and looks like all my slots that were populated on my first OnlyKey got copied into my second key.

The backup/restore functionality is intended to be used where you only use one key and have a backup. You can’t use both keys at the same time. In order to do that you would need to register each OnlyKey with the website separately.

The popup was prompting me to enter my Security Key PIN.

The prompt where you are being asked to type your PIN is a PIN that was set when you registered your security key with the site. This is different than your OnlyKey PIN that you use to unlock your OnlyKey. When you first register a security key with your site/bank its going to ask you to type and confirm a PIN. This is the PIN you have to use here.

If you don’t remember the PIN you set, you can wipe all FIDO2 (security key) credentials like this:

Or you can restore your OnlyKey to factory defaults (this will wipe everything) by entering 10 incorrect PINs on your OnlyKey keypad.

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The manual reset worked (the Windows 10 reset did not), and I spent 1 hour on the phone with Bank of America to get both keys registered, mostly hold time but also their rep did not know how to generate the two authorization codes I needed to register both keys.

Regarding backups and restores. I will have to program each of my keys seperately? That is a lot of slots to populate…
