Is there a way to do a full wipe without the using the wipe pin? I don’t believe I have it set to do the auto destruct thing.
Enter 10 incorrect PINs will do the same
I think it would be helpful if there were a “wipe all slots per profile” function that would preserve the PIN codes and backup phrase.
This would make the backup process easier in certain situations, especially if one has more than one Only Key.
For example if several of the slots have website data (with URL and username) but I want to do a restore from a particular backup that has only passwords (non-website credentials) the URL and username remain while only the old passwords are overwritten.
If I enter the self destruct PIN, I have to load firmware, set up profiles, passphrase etc before doing the restore.
Also having a separate type speed per slot (and separate backup type speed) would be helpful.
You can wipe all slots in a profile by clicking “wipe slot” on each of the slots, do this for 1a - 6b.
If I enter the self destruct PIN, I have to load firmware, set up profiles, passphrase etc before doing the restore.
You only have to reload firmware if you have selected full wipe in preferences, this is not the default behavior.
Thanks for the reply.
Even if I don’t have to load firmware, I still need to set up profiles and passphrase after self destruct.
Deleting a slot requires 3 clicks- one to choose slot, one to choose wipe, one to confirm = 36 clicks for an entire profile.
If there were a “delete all slots” option (preserves PINs and passphrase) then max 2-3 clicks.
Or even better, have an option to choose which slots to wipe at once.
These features would be helpful since a restore does not wipe certain credentials but only overwrites analogous ones.