I have three keys. One is a single key belonging to one email address. The other two keys belong to another email address - two keys, separate fingerprints, one address. They list as 3 separate keys in Kleopatra… this may just be a usage error because this process below looks to have gone off without a hitch.
I generated 3 keys, all ECC keys. I created one address with one key, to be used for one purpose. I created two separate keys, each for different purposes, connected to another email address. I need them to be available for signing and encrypting, so when I created them I made sure the options for sign, certify, encrypt, authenticate were all checked, with exception of one key (but that was intentional, i didn’t want that one capable of encryption, it’s just a sign/certify key); I installed the Yubikey Customizer app and the OnlyKey customizer app.
From steps to importing:
- I exported the public and private keys using the cli gpg commands into armored files
- I put the onlykey into maintenance mode with the 6 button
- I copy pasted them into the OnlyKey app Keys tab, corresponding passwords for each, each stating successful import after clicking button
- I pulled the onlykey out, then plugged it back in to get back into regular mode
- I went to the tools tab and clicked on the encrypt button
- the webpage launches, asking for sender address, receiver public key, message, etc… so I populate accordingly using my own two addresses I just uploaded, being I own both key sets
===> a. my first problem is here, that the receiver address does not show up, I have to populate my own public key, just typing the email address doesn’t do it
===> b. second problem is that the key gives me an error subcharacter 34 (i think i fixed that with keybase.io though, imported into there after reading about it in OnlyKey forums and gpg4win forums
===> c. keybase id does not work either when using the OnlyKey, even though I have installed and signed into the keybase.io app, configured with a mobile device and etc; was able to successfully import into keybase though, and I re-exported all my gpg keys after removing the subcharacter 34 option causing me errors in the onlykey.
I’m somewhat new to this, I’ve been working with PGP keys for a few years now, but I’m just now learning that there are option features that make them incompatible with some apps, apparently? Which makes sense, not everyone supports everything, why would you? As needed, I get it… so I just need to know the specs supported and used by the OnlyKey so I can successfully use it as my sign/encrypt key on the go. I"m doing more and more of this, especially since I’m an MSP employee and over the next month we’re all getting forced into a higher level of security model, to remain compliant with security, etc… so I do need this now; i’ve had it a couple years but didn’t need it, so never addressed; now I need it, so its time to address it